Well, this is it. The first sneak peek of what we've been working on with our kid's line called And Sven. When we first started off, I just wanted to make the world's best pajamas for my boys. While creating the pajamas has been an absolute blast, I couldn't shake this feeling that I needed to do something more - something bigger than myself.
That got me thinking.
When I was younger, I used to imagine I could transport myself into a new world by going under the blankets. I'd take my little stuffed tiger and let my imagination run wild as we built forts and pretended to fend off monsters.
Truth be told, I miss those days. I think we all do. Every single one of us grew up curious, full of imagination and wonder. In watching Sven and Mars, I see that freedom in their eyes, that pure love of make-believe. Like any good parent, I wanted to foster that.
I'm tearing up as I write this part, so bear with me.
As I get older, I've come to the unfortunate realization that my life is very finite. When I watch Sven and Mars - when I feel their little embraces as I leave for work each morning, I can't help but wish it could last forever. That moment, right then and there.
It's that desire to hold on to a moment in time that made me realize one of the most powerful gifts I can give them - a gift of knowing their father thought about them every moment of every single day, even when I couldn't be there. When all that's left of me are memories, I wanted to leave a reminder that they could share with their grandkids - something they'd tear up reading the same way I did when I wrote it.
Stories have this amazing ability to transcend every level of emotion. They can take us on amazing adventures, teach us valuable lessons and remind us that a creative mind can keep us young, no matter how old we may look.
My hope in sharing the stories we've written is that it'll encourage you to read with your kids more - to visit the land of make-believe alongside them. It's only when we recognize the power of imagination that we truly find magic.
- Jason